
Friday, September 21, 2012


How excited am I that it's the weekend?  Beyond!

It's been a really ridiculously busy week... or month really.
But since I haven't done a High Five Friday in so long I thought I'd squeeze one in between spreadsheets and scooping poop. TMI? Ok, sorry... :)

As usual this wonderful Friday tradition is brought to you by the letter L and the color GREY or as the blogging world knows her as: Lauren at From My Grey Desk


1. Busy. It's what I've been. It's who I am. Don't feel sorry for me... I need no pity... I know plenty of you are busy too... chances are way busier than I. 
I cope with yoga and Starbucks.

2.  Fall is by far my FAVORITE season. I LOVE the cool crisp air. I LOVE the smell of freshly lit fireplaces. I LOVE fall fashion - sweaters, scarves, boots, etc. I LOVE the smell of rotting leaves. I LOVE Halloween and Thanksgiving. I LOVE the sound of crunching leaves. 
BUT since I live in Florida and there is no fall in sight... I overcompensate by drinking hot Pumpkin Spice lattes in 80 degree weather and blast the A/C in my car. Don't judge. 
(Yes, 3 shots... see #1)

3. These kids. They are my favorite part of my weekend. 

4. Newness.
New do. I'm obsessed.
New shoes. Love the pointyness.

5. Continuing with the newness.... new opportunity. I've started working with StubbyDog, who are a national transmedia organization working towards changing the public's perception of pit bulls and show people that they deserve a second chance. I've been huge fan for a while and use a lot of their information on my other blog - Underdogs of Pinellas, where we are working towards the same goal but on a much smaller scale. 
I'm beyond excited to see where this opportunity might lead. Stay tuned! 

Enjoy this weekend!!